Support questions relating to the actifsource Template Editor


Postby Heiko Böttger » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:52 am

  • Is there any way to invoke a template from within another template?
    Yes, you have to create a TemplateFunction. Is created as any other function, but can be edited in a templateeditor when opened via doubleclick in the navigator. A templatefunction can also have parameters which will occur in the editor where you normaly have the supercontexts. TemplateFunction do not have a filecontext.
  • How to pass a configuration to a template?
    Currently there is no feature to specify configuration for a buildconfig or template, however it's still possible. You have to define a configuration class and access it via Build.all[ConfigClassName]. The trick is now to ensure that on each build there is only one instance of this class. This can be done by puting the configurations into a package which is not included in the TargetFolderSettings (Project/Properties/actifsource/TargetFolders) and then adding only one of configurations via the "Add Resource"-Button.
  • Why I got a ClassNotFoundException when generating manualy running Generate Code-ContextMenuAction?
    Normaly this happens when you disable the "Project/Build Automatically" option in the Eclipse Workbench Menu. The reason for this is that actifsource needs some JavaClasses to be compiled, but the builder will only run when either invoking Project/Build All or let this automatically happen. Most likely you have disabled this option on a CDT-Project, a project with complex templates or other projects where building disturbs you from working. In rare cases it might be that you have accidently removed src-gen-Folder from the java build path. Another problem can occur when the workspace crashed or the project was open in different eclipse workspaces, than you may need to select all projects and invoke the Refresh-ContextMenuAction. After the refresh a Clean/Build All ensures that all classes are compiled.
Heiko Böttger
Posts: 21
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:27 am

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